May 12, 2012

Boku Blueberry Banana Ice Cream Recipe

This is a great recipe for those who want something a little lighter and easier to digest for desert.  It is loaded with antioxidants and the Super-food power of Boku Superfood!

1 cup frozen wild blueberries
2 cups frozen banana
1 pinch of pink salt
2 tablespoons Suero-viv Gold cultured whey (or)
1 tablespoon of water and one tablespoon of coconut oil
1 scoop of Boku Superfood


*For this recipe you will need a Vita-mix or other food processor or high quality blender.

Bananas should be peeled and cut fresh and placed in the freezer in a container until completely frozen.  Add all ingredients to the vita-mix machine.  Turn it on using the "high" setting and use the damper to beat the down the ingredients.  Do this constantly and quickly until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, mashed, and blended into an ice cream like mixture.  Use a spatula to scoop out the final product and enjoy.

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